Steve Hutchens, MA, LPC
My passion:
My approach to counseling is based on my belief that we are embodied souls; mind, body and spirit each working to balance and uplift (or hinder) the other. To process through our struggles each of these dimensions must be considered and addressed. My passion is integrating Christian faith and psychology in my work with pastors, ministry leaders, and missionaries as they navigate trauma, burnout, anxiety, depression, and/or addiction to faithfully live out their calling in a complicated world.
To that end, I specialize in integrating faith and counseling practices to address ministry stress, trauma & PTSD, and men’s issues.
Spiritual integration:
As a Christian I believe we are all created in the Image of God (Imago Dei), and that image must be addressed for long-term effectiveness in counseling. For clients of faith, I am excited to integrate theology and spiritual disciplines into the work we do in order to address issues holistically, recognizing the deep impact of faith in one’s life.
Ministry Stress:
Ministry, both voluntary and vocational, is a life of continual pouring out. It is very easy to come to a point where you feel you are trying to pour from an empty vessel. In my years of overseas ministry, I experienced the rewards and challenges of that life very clearly, and went through significant seasons where I could only see the emptiness. If you are a ministry leader who is burnt out and you don’t feel like you have anything left to give, perhaps you are struggling with anxiety or depression, or you feel you’re heading in that direction and are struggling to correct your trajectory, let me tell you it can get better and we can get there together.
Trauma & PTSD:
Trauma often has a shattering effect on everything it touches. Even if trauma seems to impact only one area of our lives, its influence is often pervasive, poisoning the rest with unhealed wounds and unresolved pain. I am passionate about working with those who have experienced the deep pain of trauma and PTSD, empowering my clients to find healing and freedom; removing the chains from the past and walking into the future with confidence.
Men’s issues:
It is a confusing time to be a man in America, where it seems like one side of our political pendulum is telling men they have to be an “Alpha” or “Sigma” male and the other telling them that everything about their masculinity is “toxic.” Many men, particularly young men, are left wondering if there is a “healthy” expression of what they feel is their innate masculinity and what that middle road might be. If you are struggling with how a modern man engages with life; from family and relationships, to work and friendships, or emotions, sexuality, and ambition, we can work through these topics to help you to live integral to what you believe and the values you hold.
Do I work with struggles not on this list?
Maybe you are struggling with something not on this list, but want to integrate your faith into the work you are seeking to do? Or, maybe you are working through trauma or Men’s issues but are not interested in spiritual integration? I am happy to meet with you and talk through what that looks like. Book a free 15-minute consultation and let’s connect!
Do you struggle with Seasonal Affective Disorder?